



  • I have to do some penny-pinching this month if I want to buy that coat!

A penny saved is a penny earned


  • A: Why do you bring your lunch to work with you instead of buying it at a cafe?

  • B: I’m trying to save money and a penny saved is a penny earned!

The best things in life are free

「Money isn’t everything」と似た意味で、愛や友情、健康など、人生において最も大切なものはお金では買えないという意味です。

  • My favourite thing in life is going for a walk in the park with my family – The best things in life are free!

Saving for a rainy day


  • Every month, I transfer part of my salary into a savings account. I think it’s important to save for a rainy day.

A fool and his money are soon parted


  • A: I can’t believe Dave spent all his money on a new car! It will be worth have the price next year.

  • B: Well, a fool and his money are soon parted!

Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise


  • A: How have you been so successful in your career?

  • B: I get up early every morning. You know what they say “Early to bed, early to rise…”

Money doesn’t grow on trees


  • Child: Mom, can you buy me this new toy?

  • Mother: No, it’s too expensive. Money doesn’t grow on trees!

Money talks


  • A: I can’t believe they got this work done so quickly. Did you pay them extra to make them work harder?

  • B: Yes. Money talks, you know?

In for a penny, in for a pound


  • A: I said I’d help Simon with this project but it’s so much more work than I expected! Should I tell him I can’t help anymore?

  • B: I think you should keep helping until it is finished. In for a penny, in for a pound!

あなたはどうですか?将来や緊急時に備えて節約していますか?最も大切はものはお金では買えないと思いますか? 各表現に対し、自分なりの例文を作ってノートに書き留めたり、Facebook やTwitter で英語を話すお友達とシェアしたりしましょう。